Our First Meet up 🥲

June 10, 2022


We had our first meet up at The Commune yesterday!

Thanks to everyone who made it out, it was so nice to meet IRL and share personal stories about our financial journey. We laughed a lot and I take that as a good sign.

Thanks to Future Front for providing such a lovely place for us to meet!

To recap what we talked about

(kinda, because you had to be there 😉):

Money Avoidance was a our 🔥Hot Topic🔥 and I realized it meant a lot of different things to everyone, from avoiding bills to the guilt we feel when we pay for that $16 cocktail on the weekend (or three). But one thing we all agreed on was that the first step is acknowledging, checking our spending and just trying to be better about it. Setting up a weekly or monthly routine when you sit down and look at your accounts and figure out whether you’re spending more than you’re earning and just go from there. Sometimes, a money problem can be too big to handle on your own and it might be good to look into finding a therapist who deals specifically with finances. They exist!

We briefly talked about Budgeting and how there are way too many apps out there, it makes it quite difficult to choose something and stick with it. I personally use Mint.com and that has worked well for me, its free. The most annoying part is putting all the info in there but once you do that you should be set!

We talked about being a full time artist and figuring out financials. I think this one is about finding what strategy works best for you, but to tie this into another lighting topic from yesterday, most of us undercharge for our work!

I found this awesome Reddit thread: Full-time artists what do you make the most money from(commissions? Selling products? etc) and how did you get to where you are today? The most upvoted comment has some really good resources that talk about this topic and undercharging for your work, some other things mentioned are passive income, and marketing skills.

Multiple people mentioned the Factora podcast: Coffee and Coin ), and although I’m not very familiar with them I have heard of them and their classes. I started listneing to their podcast today as some of yall recommended.

We talked about so much more (being told debt is not your friend, but having to get good at it in order to have good credit, how Your medical debt may no longer hurt your credit score, the fact that you can refinance your student loans, and how learning from experience is the best way to learn about finances.

Remember to take it one day at a time, I will let you all know more about our July meet up in the next couple of weeks.

Have a nice weekend!

~ Lina

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Written by Lina Zuluaga who lives and works in Austin. Get to know her better❣️